Cookies in jQuery with jQuery.Cookie library

In this quick code you will learn how to read, write and delete session cookies using jQuery. Remember to use jquery.cookie library on the page.

Creating Cookie

Here is sample code to create cookie:

<script src=""></script>
<input id="btnCreateCookie" type="submit" value="Create Cookie" />
    $('#btnCreateCookie').click(function () {
        $.cookie('cookieName', 'This is cookie value');

Here is the cookie in the resource list, look at the screenshot.

Creating Cookie with expiry set 2 days

Here is sample code to create cookie with expiry set 2 days.

$.cookie('cookieName', 'This is cookie value', { expires: 2 });

Creating Cookie which is valid across entire website

Here is sample code to create cookie which valid across entire website.

$.cookie('cookieName', 'This is cookie value', { expires: 2, path: '/' });

Read Cookie

To read any cookie, just write following code:


If cookie with this name does not exist, then you will see ‘undefined’ in the dialog. Look at this screenshot which displays cookie result on screen.

Delete Cookie

To delete any cookie, just write following code:


This returns true when cookie was successfully deleted, otherwise false.

You can try the code here on jsFiddle.

Hope this helps.


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