
Playing with Entity Framework's Code First Database Migration

In this video you will learn how to use Entity Framework's Code First Database Migration. I'll create simple console application and will add 'Student' model and then a DbContext in the project.

Enum Support (EF Designer) in Entity Framework 5

Entity Framework 5 brings number of improvements and Enum Support in EF Designer or Code First is one of them. In this post you will learn it by creating a simple console application then will add EF Designer and will sketch the Model on designer surface. Please note, EF Designer can also be used with the Database First workflow to map to an existing database.

Enum Support (Code First) in Entity Framework 5

Entity Framework 5 brings number of improvements and Enum Support in Code First is one of them.

Normal LINQ Query to Compiled LINQ Query to Auto-Compiled LINQ Queries in Entity Framework 5

Entity Framework 5 brings number of improvements and query performance improvement is one of them. In this article I’ll be talking all on query performances (EF1 to EF5) so that you can understand the improvements better.

TCP is a STATEful protocol and HTTP is a STATEless protocol, why?

One question i was asked in MCA Class today by a smart guy is Sir, I have a doubt, HTTP is based on TCP protocol and as we know TCP is a stateful protocol then why HTTP is stateless?

How to copy text from one textbox to another using jQuery blur

Here is a questing I received Hi Help me on jquery blur event I need to copy data from one textbox to another textbox.

Code First Database Migrations in MVC: in Hindi

In this video you will learn how to use Migration feature in MVC Apps. I will create a new MVC Project using Code First Approach and then I will make some changes in model to look at the errors and then will use the Migration feature to migrate/update the database. Video is in Hindi Language.

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