Do you want to restart the application with elevated permissions - when open TFS Project in Microsoft Visual Studio 2013

First of all, look at the dialog screenshot given below:

I was receiving this dialog on opening any TFS project directly from Workspace folder on my PC (where local TFS Project copy locates) in Visual Studio 2013 IDE.

This is not bug, it just ask the confirmation to start the read, write etc permission (aka elevated administrator permission) on the folder where project is located on your PC (aka TFS Local Workspace).

There are various ways we can overcome this dialog easily, let’s talk about them.

1. When you prompted above dialog, just click on ‘Restart this application under different credentials’, this way IDE automatically gets elevated permission.

2. Make a habit to open any TFS project from File menu. Like File > Click to open TFS Project or Open from source control. Or you can see an option ‘Open from source control’ on Visual Studio start page (the page shows when first Visual Studio IDE starts). This is recommended way to open TFS Projects.

3. This approach is for me actually J because I have a band habit to open TFS Project (I usually open TFS Project from workspace folder which not recommended). So, here is the way I should follow to permanently disable above dialog by giving an elevated right to devenv.exe.

    * Open C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\
    * Right click on devenv.exe
    * Select "Troubleshoot program"
    * Check "The program requires additional permissions"
    * Click "Next", click "Test the program..."
    * Wait for the program to launch
    * Click "Next"
    * Select "Yes, save these settings for this program"
    * Click "Close"

That’s it. Now above dialog will not appear when even when I open TFS Projects from workspace folder.

Hope this helps someone like me.


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