What is Intellisense?


Remember some program coding, when you type code in editors, Intellisense offers you a choice of words automatically. This feature is called Intellisense. It helps you to write code faster and even to avoid errors by proposing to you a choice according to what you are currently writing. In Visual Studio, when Intellisense proposes a choice to you, you can use the key combination Ctrl+Spacebar to complete the word you started to type. Intellisense is used in multiple circumstances:

When you declare a new variable by typing a class name, Intellisense offers you a choice of all the types currently available, grouped by namespace. A short documentation is also displayed, if available for that.
When you want to use a variable declared somewhere else by you, Intellisense proposes all variables currently accessible.
When you type a class name followed by a period, or an instance name followed by a period, Intellisense presents all the methods available in the class (static methods) or in the instance. Etc.


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