
Showing posts with the label NuGet

Entity Framework's Database Seed Method

The Entity Framework can automatically create/update/drop databases when the application runs. We can specify that, this should be done every time application runs or only when the model is out of sync with the existing database or in other word it runs whenever model changes. You spent time to insert records in database and when you made any changes in model, Entity Framework deletes your database as well as records.

Spatial Data Type Support in Entity Framework 5

Entity Framework 5 brings number of improvements and Spatial Data Type Support is one of them.

Enum Support (EF Designer) in Entity Framework 5

Entity Framework 5 brings number of improvements and Enum Support in EF Designer or Code First is one of them. In this post you will learn it by creating a simple console application then will add EF Designer and will sketch the Model on designer surface. Please note, EF Designer can also be used with the Database First workflow to map to an existing database.

Enum Support (Code First) in Entity Framework 5

Entity Framework 5 brings number of improvements and Enum Support in Code First is one of them.

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